Grabyo: Using AWS Elemental MediaConnect for the next generation of video streaming
Testing: Explaining its importance to non technical people
Spring: XML vs Annotation configuration - why XML is still relevant
Java & Spring: Handling database errors
Estimation: Making realistic estimates
Spring: Running clean integration tests
Maven: Dangers of line ending configuration in assembly plugin
What does a Software Engineer do?
CoreOS: Issues with customizing the SSH Daemon port number
Python 3: Resolve "SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE" error
CoreOS, etcd, systemd and Fleet in 5 minutes
Java & Spring: Handling Daylight Saving Time
Removing DOS line ending markers on files to be used on a UNIX environment
Flex & Java: Timezone conversion by BlazeDS leads to date changes
Enable your FlashBuilder to have code-assist for both Flex and Java in your project
Java: Capture URL redirects
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